The Right Thing to Do
When Aniq and Arash climbed onto their seats in a chartered bus, all ready and looking forward to an exciting SMRT learning journey, they found a mobile phone, not belonging to them. Almost instantly, both went up to their teacher, Mr Hendra, and handed the found item to him.
Mr Hendra and the boys reckoned that the mobile phone might have been left behind by someone who was on the bus earlier. Thankfully, there was no password to the mobile phone, and Mr Hendra was able to contact the ‘owner’. It turned out that a primary school pupil had left the mobile phone on the bus, without realising it. The lost item was returned to its rightful owner afternoon. The boy’s parents were very touched and grateful to our 2 thoughtful and honest gentlemen. They wrote to the school to express their heartfelt appreciation.
‘I am writing this email to express my thanks and gratitude to Mr Hendra and his 2 students, namely Arash & Aniq from Sec 3C1, for taking the trouble to contact me and return my son’s lost phone yesterday.
I would like to compliment them for their act of kindness and honesty, and I am sure that the school and Mr Hendra have instilled the right values in the students.’
Both boys were also relieved and happy for the parents when the mobile phone was returned to them. They knew, right from the start, that returning the lost item was only the right thing to do. Arash shared, ‘It is not my stuff, and I won’t take it.’ Aniq added, ‘Yes, and it would have cost the boy’s parents quite a lot of money for the phone!’

Well done, boys! You have indeed learnt our ORCHID values well, and have lived them out too!