Our Artists
CHIA PEI XUAN (Secondary 3, Vanda-1, 2020)
LEE JIA WEN (Secondary 3, Vanda-2, 2020)
CLARICE TOK YI JUN (Secondary 3, Vanda-6, 2020)
WONG SHIN WOON (Secondary 3, Vanda-7, 2020)
Another wonderful piece of news to end the year! A few of our young artists’ submissions for National Day Pledge Card Design Competition and Time Capsule of the Pledge Cards are on exhibition at the National Museum from National Day this year for a period of one year.
OPSS submitted 5 entries for this competition, out of which Chia Pei Xuan’s (Vanda-1) artwork was selected to be printed as the pledge card that came with this year’s National Day fun pack. Pei Xuan’s colourful and delightful entry expressed her vivid memories of visiting the Mama shop with her primary school friends.

Lee Jia Wen (Vanda-2)

Clarice Tok Yi Jun (Vanda-6)

Wong Shin Woon (Vanda-7)

Our Art teachers have this to say, ‘We have very committed and passionate students who are very willing to try and explore various art genres. They have indeed done us proud with their unwavering dedication and have always proved that they are able to surpass expectations!