Deliveroo? Deliverbooks?
ANSAREE SHAQUR BIN ZULKIFLEE (Secondary 2, Orchis-3, 2020)
Ansaree was on his way home after his CCA one Friday evening (17 Jan 2020) when he picked up a box file lying on an empty seat in the public bus he was in. The file, packed to the brim with papers and notebooks looked like it belonged to a student. Ansaree guessed the owner could be from Orchid Park Secondary until he opened it to check. He was wrong – it belonged to a Secondary 1 student from Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary!
The considerate young gentleman abandoned his initial plan to bring the box file to Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary, a distance away from his home, as it was almost 7 pm in the evening. He reckoned the school would have been closed. Over the weekend, resourceful and quick-thinking Ansaree found an email contact in one of the notebooks and thought it could be the owner’s email address. He did not want the young owner to be worried about the lost items, and so decided to send the supposed owner an email to assure her that he would deliver the box file to Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary the following Monday. However, there was no reply from the owner.
When Ansaree returned to school on Monday, he met his Vice-Principal and informed her about the incident. She shared that she would return the item to the school instead. Ansaree was more than happy about that! He imagined how anxious a new Secondary student would be. A few days later, a handwritten letter for Ansaree was delivered to Orchid Park Secondary from Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary. It was a letter of appreciation from the student whose box file Ansaree picked up. It read …..

was almost touched to tears when the letter was handed to him. Wow! You made someone’s day by just desiring to go the extra mile to look out for others. Well done, young man!