A New Beginning
CLARABEL LAI MAY YING (Secondary 1, Laelia-8, 2020)
The school is very happy to share that Clarabel Lai May Ying of L8 has won a Merit Award for her participation in Live on Design Competition organised by National Organ Transplant Unit. We are touched by the conceptualisation of her artwork, and impressed with the care she puts in all details – big or small. Well done, Clarabel! Orchid Park is proud of you.
The theme of her artwork is ‘A New Beginning’, and the synopsis is as follows:
I drew the hands of the donor in grey, passing the heart to the hands of the recipient in beige to show splendour in living after receiving the new organ. The Gladioli symbolise hope, while the leaves bring calmness. I used the colours, tuscany yellow and spring green on the left, to show positivity and sense of renewal, while azure blue on the right to show sincerity from the family members of the donor. The Gladioli are drawn in a heart and an explosive formation to show that the donor can change and impact others' lives, and his or her heart can live on.