Co Curricular Activities (CCA)
Click here for our CCAs.
Department Mission
To provide authentic learning platforms for students to learn and develop 21CC skills, core values, NE and SE Competencies.
About the Department
Orchid Park Secondary CCA's strive to create a safe environment for the young where they are challenged and empowered to explore their passions, exercise initiative, take risks, allowed to make mistakes and more importantly grow and learn from them. Various platforms and opportunities are provided for students to cultivate their “entrepreneurial dare” – for them to dream of possibilities and work to make their dreams come true. Students learn to be adaptable to uncertainties and changes, be innovative in deriving possible prototypes and solutions, and be resilient through trial and error and learning from every unsuccessful attempt, notwithstanding enjoying the learning process.
The learning outcomes of a CCA are as follows:
Students will develop and demonstrate
- Passion
- Leadership and teamwork
- Friendship and belonging
- Spirit of service to the community
- Knowledge, skills and values related to their chosen CCA
- Core values, social and emotional competencies and the emerging 21st century competencies as articulated in the 21st Century Competencies Framework
Each CCA is guided by a CCA Student Development Plan (SDP), aligned to LEAPS 2.0. The SDP is designed towards progressive development and attainment of CCA learning outcomes as students move from one level to the next. The CCA SDP is used to provide students with an all year involvement and it includes development of values, social-emotional learning (SEL) and emerging 21CC in students using its very natural platforms.
The CCAs are divided into the following categories with its specific objectives:
Physical Sports and Games: To develop robustness, fair play and team spirit in our students.
Visual and Performing Arts: To instil in our students a sense of graciousness and an appreciation for the rich culture and heritage of a multi-racial society.
Uniformed Groups: To make good citizens of our students by inculcating in them self-reliance, resilience, discipline and a spirit of service to others.
Clubs and Societies: To allow our students to explore and extend their interests in wide ranging and specialised areas which may be knowledge-based or skills-based.
Information for Parents
LEAPS 2.0 informationCCA Schedule for 2025
Sec 1 CCA Exposure Schedule
Straits Times Article
Take Flight With CCAVideos
CCA videosSYF 2023 Performing Arts